natural gas

North Macedonia: The Energy Community approves Nomgas as TSO Read More »

North Macedonia: The Energy Community approves Nomgas as TSO

The Energy Community Secretariat published its opinion on the certification of Nomgas, the gas transmission system operator of North Macedonia. The opinion largely supports the certification of Nomgas in line with the Energy and Water Services Regulatory Commission of the Republic of North Macedonia’s (ERC) preliminary decision.  In its opinion, the Secretariat recommended that, in the […]

Bulgaria: ICGB initiated binding faze for Greece- Bulgaria gas pipeline capacity expanding Read More »

Bulgaria: ICGB initiated binding faze for Greece- Bulgaria gas pipeline capacity expanding

The operator of the Greece-Bulgaria natural gas pipeline, ICGB, launched the binding phase of market testing for expanding the pipeline’s capacity from 3 to 5 billion cubic metres annually. In collaboration with natural gas transmission system operators, ICGB has published notices for the binding phase to gauge market interest in booking the pipeline’s incremental capacity,

Bulgaria: Bulgartransgaz chooses contractors for the Vertical Gas Corridor expansion Read More »

Bulgaria: Bulgartransgaz chooses contractors for the Vertical Gas Corridor expansion

Gas transmission operator Bulgartransgaz has successfully finalized the most important public procurement related to the implementation of the Vertical Gas Corridor concept, the company said in a press release. This procurement covers spatial planning, investment design, procurement of necessary materials and equipment, construction, and commissioning of new sites to expand Bulgartransgaz EAD’s gas transmission infrastructure.

Romania: Romgaz prepares 1.5-billion-euro MTN scheme to finance Neptun Deep project Read More »

Romania: Romgaz prepares 1.5-billion-euro MTN scheme to finance Neptun Deep project

Romania’s natural gas company, with Rothschild Bank as its adviser, hired JP Morgan to lead the consortium of banks that will intermediate the sale of bonds on the foreign market under an MTN scheme aimed to finance the Black Sea gas project, Neptun Deep, local media reported. The MTN scheme would reportedly have a size

Bulgaria: Bulgargaz claims 400 million euros from Gazprom for gas supply suspension Read More »

Bulgaria: Bulgargaz claims 400 million euros from Gazprom for gas supply suspension

The management of natural gas supplier Bulgargaz decided to seek 400 million euros from Gazprom for the 2022 suspension of fuel supplies. The decision was published by Energy Minister Vladimir Malinov at a news briefing. Gazprom cut off gas supplies to Bulgaria as of April 27, 2022, after Bulgaria refused to pay in rubles as demanded by

Europe: TTF gas futures reached the weekly maximum of 32.1 euros/MWh Read More »

Europe: TTF gas futures reached the weekly maximum of 32.1 euros/MWh

According to AleaSoft Energy Forecasting, TTF gas futures in the ICE market for the FrontMonth, on Monday, May 6, reached their weekly maximum settlement price, €32.14/MWh. According to data analyzed at AleaSoft Energy Forecasting, this price was 15% higher than the previous Monday and the highest since April 19. Subsequently, settlement prices declined, but they

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