Slovenia: HSE fully repays 492-million-euro capital funding

Holding Slovenske Elektrarne (HSE) has repaid 492-million-euro capital funding received from sovereign holding company SDH in December 2022, SDH said in a statement.

HSE has repaid the last 75-million-euro instalment of the funding provided by SDH to bridge its liquidity gap at the end of 2022. -We have been able to return all 492 million euros after only a year and a half in addition to supplying electricity to our customers at regulated prices – HSE general director Tomaz Stokelj said.

The quick repayment of the debt to the state enables HSE to accelerate the construction of photovoltaic, wind and hydropower plants, invest in hydrogen technologies, geothermal energy, biomass and technologies related to flexibility, digitalisation, e-mobility, smart networks, storage tanks and virtual power plants, the company noted.

SDH injected 492 million euros in the capital of HSE to enable the company to independently and efficiently manage electricity production. In March 2023, HSE said it plans to repay the capital injection in full by the end of 2024.

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