Europe: Wind energy production decreased in week 21

Accroding to AleaSoft Energy Forecasting, in the fourth week of May, wind energy production declined in most major European markets compared to the previous week, reversing the upward trend of the previous week. The decreases were 49% in the German market, 41% in the Portuguese market and 30% in the Spanish market.

The exceptions were the Italian and French markets, where wind energy generation increased by 62% and 10%, respectively. Both markets reversed the downward trend they had shown in the last two weeks in the case of Italy and in the last four weeks in the case of France.

In the week of May 27, according to AleaSoft Energy Forecasting’s wind energy production forecasts, production using this technology will increase in Spain, France and Portugal. In Italy and Germany, it will decrease, AleaSoft Energy Forecasting reports.

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